If we shall walk hand in hand, we shall touch our dreams..... 'Touch' will touch many hearts and one day 'Touch' will touch the sky.

No matter what your needs are, you can count on TOUCH NGO for the support you deserve. We see each beneficiary as unique, which is why all of our services can be completely personalized to fit specific needs and preferences. Browse through our comprehensive range of services below to learn more about what we can do for you.
Medical Assistance

We want all of our beneficiaries to experience the impressive level of medical support when working with Paul's Healthcare Services, an associate of TOUCH NGO. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with the best services.
Relief & Other Aids

Frequently utilized by most of our beneficiaries, this service has been essential for the economically poor people of the society. When it comes to all of our services, you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, and guarantee you’ll love working with our team. Let us know how we can assist you today.